Providing consulting that assists congregations and ministries to effectively lead and manage change and transition in the 21st century
Unprecedented change is upon us. "Church as usual" will no longer work. With the Church's voice and impact increasingly being deemed as irrelevant and ineffective in the world, we have been commissioned to proclaim and live out the unchanging and transformative truth of the gospel.
Social justice, women's concerns, generational priorities and a plethora of other pressing issues within our nation, communities, families and personal lives directly challenge the Church's identity and mission. Nonetheless this could very well be the Church's finest hour. But we must courageously respond, merely than just react to change.
In his book, "Turnaround Churches," George Barna says that paralysis can happen even to successful churches where they begin to rely on the "tried and true" practices of the past and become unable or unwilling to risk making the changes required by present-day challenges for fear of losing the non-negotiables of the Christian faith.
To offer context-specific consulting to congregations and ministries needing assistance in meeting the increasingly complex challenges of mission, ministry and congregational life brought about by unexpected or intentional change, externally and internally.
Marion Skeete is a Certified Professional Life Coach and a Certified Mediator from the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and earned a Workplace Conflict Resolution Certificate from the Western Justice Center, Pasadena, and a Conflict Resolution Certificate from the California Conference for Equality and Justice, as well as a Civil Harassment Mediation Certificate from the Los Angeles Superior Court.
With a BA in Communication from Lee University, and a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, concentrating in Cross-cultural Studies, Marion is the Founder & President of LegacyMakers International Ministries, a 501(C)3. She is an Ordained Minister with the Evangelical Church Alliance, and has served as a Pastor of Small Group Ministries, Equipping Ministries, Women's Ministries and Prayer Ministries, at Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena, CA., and as an Elder over Discipleship Ministries at CrossTown International Church in Boston. As such, she has taught a variety of church-based workshops and seminars that equip believers for effective ministry and witness in their varied spheres of influence, and have selected and developed Discipleship curriculums. She has over 25 years of cross-denominational ministry experience, having served in Presbyterian, Congregational, Baptist, Pentecostal/Charismatic and non-denominational churches.
Marion is the author of Second Wind: Truth for the Champion in You and was also a Christian Radio Broadcaster at WEZE (Salem Communications) for five years, with a weekly program of the same title. In addition, she is a Professional Development Coach and Trainer who trains and develops individuals, groups and agencies in the non-profit and for-profit sectors through workshops, seminars and webinars to maximize their potential and to build their capacity to affect sustainable change.
Our consulting services focus on a church's most critical issues and opportunities. The following are our specialized areas as they relate to leading or managing change and transition:
1. Mission/Vision/Identity Clarification
2. Team-building
3. Growth Barriers/Opportunities
4. Outreach/Evangelistic Approaches
5. Biblical Social Justice
6. Intergenerational/Millennial Issues
7. Conflict & Crisis Management
8. Leadership Effectiveness
9. Prayer & Spiritual Renewal/Revival
10. Ministry Mobilization
11. Women's Ministries
12. Grief & Loss
13. Biblical Integrity/Cultural Relevance Analysis
14. Ministry Team Alignment
15. Multiculturalism/Racial Reconciliation
Our Consulting Services can help your church:
Align or realign the ministries of the church with its vision and mission for increased effectiveness.
Be catalysts and participants of revival and spiritual renewal through a commitment to fervent and strategic prayer.
Integrate biblical social justice in the church’s mission, as it aligns with the unchanging truths of God’s word.
Engage in evangelism and outreach strategically, with a high level of boldness and compassion.
Become an environment of peace and unity, where the diversity of gifts, callings, and cultures are celebrated, and believers are committed to courageously speak the truth in love.
The following is an overview of the consultation work in sequential order:
1. Consultation request
2. Initial interview (generally done via phone)
3. Proposal to pastor/ church leadership
4. Acceptance
5. Consultation work (please see the specific components of this process below)
6. Initial verbal report to leadership
7. Written report (presented to the senior pastor first)
8. Final report
9. Presentation to church leadership
10. If needed, proposal for future action
11. Follow-up (generally 2-3 weeks after the consultation)
The consultation work basically includes the following components. However, based on the consultation needed and the particular context, this can be altered; i.e., it does not have to include skills training.
Pastoral Analysis:
Personal interviews with pastors to analyze church's history, vision, mission, etc. in order to assess the growth barriers and opportunities.
Key Leaders Interviews:
Interviews with key leaders to analyze cohesiveness and ministry alignment.
Key Leaders Training:
2-3 hours of training on the particular area of challenge.
Volunteer Training:
90-Minute training of volunteers on the particular area of challenge.
General Forum:
Share at a forum that includes the general congregation. The focus can be a report on the consultation, an inspirational message, a prayer with the objective of unifying the congregation around the goals of the consultation, etc.
Fee rates are very reasonable. If you are interested in hiring Marion as a consultant, we will send you the fee sheet.