In 2006, LegacyMakers was established as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit charitable organization, with Marion Skeete as the Founder and President. LegacyMakers is a multicultural, intergenerational leadership development and nation-building network that trains, equips and partners with individuals and organizations locally and globally, so as to assist populations negatively impacted by natural and human disasters, by providing trauma coaching, chaplaincy services/prayer support, pastoral care, counsel, conflict resolution and crisis management skills, who, in turn, will maximize their leadership potential, and strategically and relevantly impact their culture for the cause of Christ (Isaiah 58:12). We are comprised of a board and leadership team of multicultural leaders, who are individually and collectively making significant positive impact in various spheres of influence.
We coach and train Christian leaders, emerging leaders and marketplace influencers locally and globally through a variety of venues and activities, such as personal and group coaching, media engagement, webinars, conferences, seminars, workshops, retreats, cross-cultural dialogues, and community partnerships.
We train and mobilize evangelistic leaders, teams and individuals to spread the good news in strategic ways in every sphere of influence.
We host Second Wind Infusion renewal gatherings that inspire and strengthen spiritual champions to fulfill their end-time commission.
We work with homeless, displaced and traumatized populations, providing chaplaincy services/prayer support, pastoral care, counsel, conflict resolution and crisis management in the US and throughout the world. The LegacyMakers teams often act as Third Responders—people/professionals who have the goal of bringing survivors into the Recovery Phase of a disaster.
We partner with other ministries, individuals and organizations to mobilize prayer efforts and prayer movements both locally and globally that will be a catalyst for community transformation and revival.
We work with likeminded organizations locally and globally to engage in leadership development and community development work.
We mobilize leaders, emerging leaders and marketplace influencers by engaging in domestic and global peacemaking efforts and cross-cultural acts of mercy to bring relief, justice and advocacy to disenfranchised persons, such as children, victims of human trafficking, homelessness and displacement, violence and abuse.
We use a variety of media forums to explore the intersection of faith and ordinary life. We empower and give voice to the Millennial generation, supporting them to live out their faith with authenticity, power and purity.
We offer consulting for Christian organizations, churches and nonprofit organizations in order to provide resources and support, equipping them to maximize their leaders and strategically impact their culture.
We teach intensives and short-term classes at seminaries, Bible schools and training centers internationally.
We believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His Son, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose indwelling presence empowers the Christian to live a godly life and a life of bold, uncompromising witness.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God upon which we base our faith and way of life.
Just as Jesus walked among us, identifying with human suffering and the human experience as a whole—while pointing us back to the Father—in the same way, he calls us as his ambassadors to walk among others (incarnationally) as a demonstration of the Father’s love. Our mission is to love others and to point them back to the Father, through Jesus, who is the only way to the Father. When we do this, we are continuing the earthly ministry of Jesus.
Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities. Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes (Isaiah 58:12)